Preventive Health Approaches to Implementation and Migrants in the Process of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Turkey



Pandemic, COVİD-19, Social Distance, Mask, Isolation, Filiation, Immigrant


The pandemic will take its place in the books as the main element that reminds the 2020 year as it is the first priority of the world agenda. The start and spread of Covit-19 affected the world order and caused countries to take special measures. In the fight against the disease, all sectors have had to develop an approach, especially health. In the fight against pandemi, it is aimed to prevent the burden on healthcare services by decreasing the rate of increase in cases in the society.Within the scope of Covid-19 measures, our country exhibits a holistic approach that includes all sectors. The way the measures taken affect the result is the detail and social determination it contains. The pandemic is warning the whole world about the determination to fight, as it continues and turns numerical expressions into an upward curve for the fall of 2020. In reaction to the process, more measures and struggles are required.

Prevention, filiation, treatment services for pandemic in our country It has been tried to be standardized with guidelines and algorithms prepared by the T.C.Ministry of Health. All necessary equipment for fighting in Turkey sustainability, cost-effectiveness, longer duration of the pandemic is even more important. A structure that will reach the entire society is one of the success targets of the public health approach. The most important element of health practices in the field is to ensure the continuation of the work of the personnel. Arrangements to support healthcare professionals have been examined.

The spread of the health personnel to the field and the preference of the methods surrounding the communication have created the need to overcome the language and culture barrier to be experienced with foreign nationals in our country. The regulations implemented for foreign nationals were also examined.



How to Cite

Aydıner, K. F. (2020). Preventive Health Approaches to Implementation and Migrants in the Process of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Turkey. Turkey Health Literacy Journal , 1(2), 121-129. Retrieved from